Position statements on important issues adopted by Old Prospect Baptist Church
In addition to some of the most basic truths held among us, we set forth the following statements on important and questionable issues of our day.
1. We as a church endorse and use only the Authorized Version of the Bible, also known as the King James Bible.
2. We reject all evolutionary theories of origin as contrary to the biblical account of creation.
3. We believe that God has ordained authority in three basic institutions: (a) the home, (b) civil government, and (c) the church. Every person is subject to these authorities, but these authorities themselves are answerable to God and governed by his word. The home, the church, and the civil government are sovereign in their respectively assigned spheres. If, for example, the civil government infringes on the faith and beliefs of our local church, it is our duty to obey God rather than man.
4. We believe that God has commanded that no sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage, and that the biblical institution of marriage is only the joining of one man and one woman. God ordained marriage as a permanent institution that should continue unbroken except by death.
5. We believe that, though God extends mercy and forgiveness, divorced and remarried persons should not be considered for the offices of pastors or deacons. We further believe these offices are biblically limited to be held by male members of the church.
6. We believe that Christians are prohibited from bringing civil lawsuits against other Christians or a church to resolve personal disputes. These rather should be resolved within the church.
7. We believe that man is created in the image of God, that human life begins at conception, that a preborn child is a living human being, and that human life is sacred from conception until natural death. Practices such as abortion and assisted suicide constitute the intentional taking of human life, and is, therefore, murder. Further, we believe the Bible highlights the protection of and care for children and therefore reject individuals and churches that cover up, ignore, or contribute to the sexual abuse of children.
8. We believe, because of biblical gender roles, motherhood, and other considerations, that women should not be drafted to serve in the military, and should never be on the front lines of combat.
9. The sufficiency of Scripture for all matters of faith and practice insists that our congregational gatherings be restricted to those elements that Scripture requires – praying, thanksgiving, praising, singing, Scripture reading, preaching/teaching, giving, observing the ordinances, ordination and sending, testimonies, greetings, reporting the Lord’s work, decision-making, and church discipline. Any element must be understood from a command, approved example, or necessary implication of Scripture.